Our mission:

To seek out, stir up and cheer on those nearing the finish line!

People moving into assisted living definitely find assistance when it comes to meeting their physical needs. Unfortunately, they are also moving away from their church and the spiritual care that fostered their faith, providing peace and real hope for living.  Without this care, fears and doubts of the future can easily begin to erode even the strongest faith.

God has called us to help meet this need.

Exalt Jesus

Respecting our various denominational backgrounds, we unite by fixing our eyes on Jesus Christ, the author and perfector of our faith. (Hebrews 12:2)


Esteem People

Believing every individual is created in God’s image and therefore has infinite value, we respect, honor, and serve all people regardless of age, cognitive ability, gender, race, or any other known identifier. (Gensis 1:27)


Enrich Community

Since God created us for relationship, we serve as a connecting catalyst, drawing people to the hope found only in Jesus Christ. (Hebrews 10:24,25)


Engage Purposely

Rejecting the notion that people have a shelf-life, we challenge one another to discover and pursue God’s purpose for our lives, that we might serve him on earth until our last breath. (Hebrews 6:10,11)


Expect Heaven

As death draws near, we believe the promises of Jesus, devote ourselves fully to him and thus embrace the hope of heaven. (1 Peter 1:3-5)

Our Values