Frequently asked questions.
Why join a church that meets in an Assisted Living Facility?
Church membership was something many of our residents valued before moving to Park Place. Membership builds community and fosters accountability among believers. It allows each member to exercise his/her gifts so that the body of Christ might be strengthened and encouraged. If you are interested in membership, please speak to our pastor.
Do I have to be a resident of Park Place to join this church?
No. Park Place Community Church is made up of residents and non-residents.
How can Catholics, Methodists, Lutherans, Baptists, Presbyterians, Pentecostals, Evangelicals… all worship together?
We realize everyone living at Park Place come from diverse traditions. We have both Catholic and Protestant residents; Lutheran and Pentecostals; Methodists and Evangelicals; Presbyterians and Baptists all living together under one roof. We believe there will be no denominations in heaven, and what truly unites us is our faith in Jesus alone. Therefore, respecting one another’s traditions, PPCC will endeavor to Exalt Jesus “fixing our eyes on the author and perfecter of our faith” (Hebrews 12:2) and focus on the things we share in common as His followers.
What denomination is Park Place Community Church?
Park Place Community Church is ecumenical in the sense that it is made up of, and welcomes people from various Christian denominational backgrounds. Our hope is to major on the majors, meaning we are striving to focus on the things we agree on, rather than the things we disagree on. With the Bible as our authority and guide, we seek to honor the Lord Jesus Christ in all we do. Theologically we, like our parent church St Joe Community Church, align with the Southern Baptist Convention. St Joe provides oversight and accountability for all we do.
Do you take tithes and offerings? How is this ministry supported?
Many of the residents living at Park Place have faithfully cared for and supported their church throughout their entire lives. As people enter their twilight years, the Bible teaches that the Church is now to care for and support them. Some residents are widows, and here, the Bible is crystal clear. The church is to protect and “honor widows who are truly in need” (Deut. 27:19, Ps. 68:5, 1 Timothy 5:3) . Therefore we will never take an offering, solicit funds nor use any means of coercion to raise financial support from those living at Park Place. With that said, we recognize giving is a part of worship and some residents choose to give to the church. If God is leading you to support this work, you can find out more information on our giving page.
Is the Pastor employed by Park Place Senior Living/Traditions?
No. The pastor is supported through the generous contributions of those giving to the church.